The FCO’s Human Rights and Democracy Programme (HRDP) is an annual fund committed to promoting human rights and democracy efforts around the world.
It aims to strengthen governments’ and civil society’s capacity to promote and protect human rights through focused programs.Because the HRDP is a strategic initiative, we carefully consider each bid for its impact and alignment with both the HRDP’s overarching plan and our country’s human rights agenda
As a global power, the United Kingdom has the motivation and resources to influence how the international community response to humanitarian crises, security challenges.
and other human rights and geopolitical issues. The United Kingdom’s foreign policy prioritizes human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
In 2014-15, the FCO supported more than 70 projects in more than 40 countries; looking ahead to 2015-16, we can only expect those numbers to rise. We are eager to receive bids for creative initiatives that address our ongoing human rights concerns and respond to global trends as the opportunity for new project proposals opens.
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